Network Neutrality

1. CeBIT Show to Unveil New Range of Products (AP)

AP - The annual CeBIT high-tech fair is set to show off a new range of advanced mobile phones, ultra-light laptops, powerful yet compact digital cameras and — maybe — Microsoft's latest secret project.

2. NBC buying iVillage for $600 million (Reuters)

An NBC Universal billboard is seen at the NBC studios in Burbank, California in a 2004 file photo. Media and entertainment conglomerate NBC Universal on Monday said it would acquire iVillage Inc., operator of a network of Web sites for women, for $600 million in a bid to bolster its Internet strategy. REUTERS/Fred ProuserReuters - NBC Universal has signed a deal to acquire iVillage, the women's and parenting website, for about $600 million.

3. Cisco, Microsoft to Collaborate on Tools (AP)
AP - Cisco Systems Inc., the world's largest network equipment maker, said on Monday it's partnering with Microsoft Corp. to create a package of communications tools geared for businesses.

4. Hearst buys NetDoctor as spark for online efforts (Reuters)

Reuters - Media conglomerate Hearst Corp. said on Monday it has bought NetDoctor, Britain's top consumer health Web site, as it tries to keep up with rivals by boosting its presence on the Internet.

5. Chinese Gov't Sets Up Blogs for Lawmakers (AP)

AP - China's government is trying to boost public interest in its figurehead parliament and its companion advisory body by setting up Web logs for members as they meet this week.

6. Product Previews (InfoWorld)
InfoWorld - Near-Time serves up blogs, wikis on demand Near-Time later this month plans to launch a hosted collaboration service for creating workspaces that leverage blogs, wikis, and group calendar functions.

7. Oscar gown knock-offs donned by video game "Sims" (Reuters)

Best Actress winner Reese Witherspoon poses backstage at the 78th annual Academy Awards in Hollywood March 5, 2006. Witherspoon won for her performance in 'Walk the Line.' REUTERS/Mike BlakeReuters - Fans of "The Sims" video game spent Sunday evening making virtual copies of the red carpet fashions worn by Oscar winner Reese Witherspoon, contender Keira Knightley and presenter and trend setter Jennifer Lopez, then offering them for free trade on Monday.

8. Texas Instruments narrows expected profit range (Reuters)
Reuters - Texas Instruments Inc. , the top supplier of mobile phone chips, raised the lower end of its profit forecast range on Monday but failed to deliver the blowout Wall Street had hoped for, and its shares fell.

9. Open Season On Open Source? (BusinessWeek Online)
BusinessWeek Online - In 1999, Ethan Galstad was thinking about starting a business with a friend. Among other things on their to-do list was digging up software to monitor their network and flag any problems. They couldn't afford any of the programs on the market, however, so Galstad wrote his own. Almost on a whim, he posted it on an open-source Web site where geeks around the world browse code and download programs for free.

10. AOL to let others customize its messaging software (Reuters)

Reuters - AOL said on Monday it planned to let software and service developers create their own versions of its AOL Instant Messenger (AIM), which analysts said was a significant move for a company that has traditionally cordoned off its services.

Programming Languages

Please look for Computer Programming Languages, Programming Languages List, Different Programming Languages and Programming Languages History to find more Programming Languages information.

  • Pseudocode

  • Pseudocode is a generic way of describing an algorithm using the conventions of programming languages, without using language-specific syntax.An example of how pseudocode differs from regular code is below.Regular code (written in PHP):{}{}If the value of foo is equal to barotherwise, make "yesFoo" falseA similar example to the preceding one is shown below.Regular code (written in BlitzBasic):yesFoo=TrueyesFoo=Falseif the value of foo is equal to barotherwise, make "yesFoo" false

  • ANSI C

  • ANSI C (Standard C) is one standardized version of the C programming language.Most programming languages have differences from one implementation to another. For example, two different C compilers may have different feature sets, or may implement certain parts of the language in subtly different ways. The platform on which the program is being run can also influence its behavior: different operating systems can behave in different ways. This creates a problem for programmers who wish to write porting software — the more differences between compilers and platforms exist, the more work that must be done to port software to another system.

  • Binding

  • Binding can mean:* Binding (computer science) - a tie (for example) to certain names in programming languages* Binding (linguistics) - a property relating to anaphors (pronouns and R-expressions) and c-command* Bookbinding - the protective cover of a book and the art of constructing this* Ski binding - a device for connecting a foot to a ski* In the usage of LDAP - authentication* In baking, the effect of egg (food) or of flax* Law: executed with proper legal authority (i.e."a binding contract").

  • BASIC Programming Language

  • BASIC is a family of high-level programming languages. Originally devised as an easy-to-use programming language, it became widespread on home microcomputers in the 1980s, and remains popular to this day in a handful of heavily evolved dialects. It was devised in 1963 by Profs. John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz of Dartmouth College.BASIC's name stands for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, which stems from the name of an unpublished paper by Thomas Kurtz.
    Really really basic BASIC, Google BASIC directory,

  • BASAIC Programming Language

  • BASIC is a family of high-level programming languages. Originally devised as an easy-to-use programming language, it became widespread on home microcomputers in the 1980s, and remains popular to this day in a handful of heavily evolved dialects. It was devised in 1963 by Profs. John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz of Dartmouth College.BASIC's name stands for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, which stems from the name of an unpublished paper by Thomas Kurtz.
    Really really basic BASIC, Google BASIC directory,

  • Capacitor Plague

  • BASIC is a family of high-level programming languages. Originally devised as an easy-to-use programming language, it became widespread on home microcomputers in the 1980s, and remains popular to this day in a handful of heavily evolved dialects. It was devised in 1963 by Profs. John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz of Dartmouth College.BASIC's name stands for Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code, which stems from the name of an unpublished paper by Thomas Kurtz.
    Really really basic BASIC, Google BASIC directory,

  • Timeline Of Programming Languages

  • This is a timeline, i.e. a chronology, of historically important programming languages.<br/>: ( Entry ) means a non-universal programming language<br/><br/>|-|-| Year| Chief developer, Company| colspan="4" ||-| circa1840| Ada Lovelace| *| Plankalkül (concept)|-|-| 1952| Grace Hopper| *| Mark I Autocode|-| 1954-1955| John Backus at IBM| A-0| ARITH-MATIC|-| 1954| Grace Hopper| *| Information Processing Language (concept)
    Diagram & history of programming languages, Eric Levenez's timeline diagram of computer languages history, aiSee's timeline diagram of computer languages history,

  • Knowledge Representation System

  • The Knowledge Representation System (KRS) is a semantic frames-based language built on Common Lisp programming language.Category:Domain-specific programming languages

  • Tail Recursion

  • In computer science, tail recursion is a special case of recursion that can be transformed into an iteration. It is used in functional programming languages where the declarative programming and explicit handling of state (computer science) emphasize recursive functions that rapidly fill the stack (computing). Replacing recursion with iteration drastically decreases the amount of stack space used and improves efficiency.When a function is called, the computer must "remember" the place it was called from, the return address, so that it can return to that location with the result once the call is complete.

  • Oberon Programming Language

  • Oberon is a reflective programming language created in the late 1980s by Professor Niklaus Wirth (creator of the Pascal, Modula, and Modula-2 programming languages) and his associates at ETHZ in Switzerland. The name is from the moon of Uranus, Oberon.Oberon is also, somewhat confusingly, the name of the Oberon operating system, written in Oberon, for the Ceres workstation (built around the National Semiconductor 32032 CPU) and for the Chameleon workstation. Oberon, the language, has now been ported to many other operating systems, and is even available for the Java platform, where Oberon source code compiles to source code in Java, or to bytecode for a Java virtual machine. The Oberon operating system is also available for several other hardware platforms than the original workstation.
    ETH Oberon Home Page, Native Oberon Home Page at ETHZ, Oberon Language Genealogy,

    Redland 1.0.3 release
    Redland RDF Application Framework - mature library, supported on most platforms, supports most major programming languages. Main changes are updating to use the latest Rasqal (SPARQL etc) and Raptor (parsers/serialisers), plus various source code management changes and a new PostgreSQL backend option. Redland RDF Application Framework - Release Notes [Danny]

    Programming Languages in the Future
    In the future, mainstream programming languages will: allow base classes to be extended eliminate several new classes of errors from the language by design accessing arrays out-of-bounds dereferencing null pointers integer overflow accessing uninitialized variables introduce new concepts dependent types dependent functions universal quantification incorporate Haskell-style comprehensions perform lenient evaluation (as opposed to lazy evaluation) address concurrency through software transactional memory implicit data and thread parallelism So says Tim Sweeney who gave a talk at POPL entitled The Next Mainstream Programming Languages: A Game Developers Perspective via Lambda the Ultimate....

    Bendy classes and dynamic programming
    Jack Herrington has published this article: Going dynamic with PHP claiming to show some things PHP can do which Java can't. Okaaaay... This is another of the articles in the meme that dynamic languages are great, and rigid languages are uncomfortable. I don't know if I got the analogy right this time, let me know please? The problem he poses is about implementing the database interface classes. The traditional method might be to write one class per database table, expose get/set methods for each field, etc. You'd end up with a tedious implementation and a lot of typing of highly similar code. He poses three possible solutions, and claims that PHP implements the best of the three. One problem with the article is there's more than three possible solutions. The problem with the proposed solution is it doesn't give early warning of broken code, leading to greater expense to fix coding problems. Whever a writer presents a problem .. and then presents a selected list of solutions .. the writer (maybe unknowingly) is trying to limit the readers thinking to the given solution set. But what if there are other solutions the author doesn't present? ...

    The History of Computer Programming Languages
    The History of Computer Programming Languages...

    Programming Languages List
    An extensive listing of programming languages with descriptions.

    A Brief History of Programming Languages
    A Brief History of Programming Languages September 1995 / 20th Anniversary / A Brief History of Programming Languages

    Htgrep error: not found
    Htgrep error: not found...

    Computing Languages List
    Language Web Sites Part 4 - Links to Computer Language Software Part 5 - Sammet's 26 Most Significant Programming Languages, By Year Part 6...

    Open Directory - Computers: Programming: Languages

    What is a programming language?
    High-level programming languages, while simple compared to human languages, are more complex than the languages the computer actually...

    Resources for Programming Language Research
    Functional Languages FAQ. The European Association for Programming Languages and Systems.

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